Cumberland & Speciality Sausages

-Made with premium ingredients, including a range of deliciously flavoured sausages-


  • Mr Vikki’s Mango Chutney
    With a a hint of fresh chillies and fresh garlic
    With a a hint of fresh chillies and fresh garlic


  • Hawkshead Relish Tomato Ketchup
    A smooth & rich traditional ketchup
    A smooth & rich traditional ketchup


  • Cumberland Honey Mustard Jar
    Delicious with meats & sauces.
    Delicious with meats & sauces.


  • Wild and Fruitful Keswick Ketchup
    Always made with fresh tomatoes.
    Always made with fresh tomatoes.


  • Sausage and Bacon Melts x 4
    Ready for the Oven.
    Ready for the Oven.


  • Cumberland Sausagemeat
    This makes the perfect stuffing, use it for tasty home-made sausage rolls too!
    This makes the perfect stuffing, use it for tasty home-made sausage rolls too!

    Buy any 3 packs of sausage for £13- offer valid on 370-400g packs



    Delicious Cumbrian food sourced from family farms we know and trust, made by us.


    £75 minimum order
    Free delivery over £175
    Free collection at one of our 4 shops


    Delivered in a custom cold delivery box


    Enjoy your award winning produce at home